Saturday, September 17, 2016

WWII U.S. Soldiers

Here are a batch of WWII era soldiers. These are Wargames Factory miniatures, which are maybe not the most period accurate minis around but are just fine for my wargaming needs. Plus, they were a great deal with 30 miniatures in the pack.

Here are some shots of my finished paint job. I printed out the patches on my ink jet printer and stuck them on the arms. They're a bit bigger than they should be but I wanted them to be noticeable and legible.

Also, the colors are a little off on the uniforms but, again, for my needs they work just fine.

15 more miniatures done, which brings my total up to 80.
40 more and I meet my goal (from last year).

I plan to alter the remaining 15 soldiers to be more of a 50's - 60's style. So they'll match up with the Mars Attacks cards.

I might even try to make a flame thrower unit or two. Hmmm....

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