Sunday, February 9, 2014

Conversions! A top 5 list.

I've been trying to build up a big horde of zombies (as cheaply as possible). I love the clix figures because they're plastic and easier to cut apart and glue together. Green stuff sticks to them pretty well too. I've bought a bunch of clix figures and have managed to keep the average to around 60¢ to 75¢ per figure (I bought a case a few years back and it averaged out to about 25¢ a figure after I sold the ones I didn't want on ebay). Anyway, here are my top 5 figures for converting.

Number 5:

Hal Jordan Heroclix.
A new paint job and a head swap with a Horrorclix Hard Hat Zombie and you've got some city workers that hunger for flesh. Why yes that is reflective tape on the figures. I was hoping it would flare up in the photos but so far nothing. :(

Number 4:

Flasher Horrorclix.
This one has LOTS of grabby hands (and a couple arms) that can be used in MANY, MANY ways.
See Number 3 below for a good example.

Number 3:

Insect Man Horrorclix.
This one is a pretty good base figure, you just need a head (maybe from the flasher?) and a left arm (definitely from the flasher), then again, maybe you don't really NEED a left arm. Maybe you just need something hanging from where the arm USED to be. Eh? Huh?
Most of these guys have the Pod Zombie Horrorclix head attached to them.
Also, I shaved off the ankle cuff on most of mine.

Number 2:

Hulk Heroclix.
I remember grabbing a bunch of these as promo pieces when the first movie came out. My idea back then was to turn them into Ogres for use in Blood Bowl. I did that.
Then sold them on ebay.

Years later I would see them as part of the Left 4 Dead Tank. So, I made these guys. With the torso of the Giant Horrorclix figure.

Also, you can use the arm from the Hulk as the left arm for the Insect Man and you've got yourself a Left 4 Dead charger.

 Notice the Chargers heads? Yep, those are flasher heads, one sans mohawk.

And last but not least...
Number 1:

Project Superman Heroclix.

I find this one to be a great base for making lots of different figures. Swap heads and get creative with the green stuff.

Two orderlies and a patient.

And a few more that I've finished. I figure lots of people will be caught off guard during a zombie attack so you need a few in various states of undress.

Honorable mentions that I forgot to take pictures of: Bruce Banner, Lex Luthor & Matt Murdock Heroclix. Does anyone have any other "favorite" clixs for conversions?

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