Monday, December 16, 2013


Finally getting around to a rant (as promised). This one is fitting because I'm currently working out some ideas on how to make sidewalks for the game.

So, on to the rant.

Sidewalks. I am so sick of the mouth breathing ignorants that shamble around mindlessly on the sidewalks. "Hey everybody look at me, I'm on the right side, now the left, now the middle, now I'm going to look left but go right. Ugh. Pick a side and stick with it.
Some of us actually have places to go.
We, as pedestrians, are given our very own space and somehow it's not good enough for a percentage of people. "I think i'll just walk out in the middle of street and hope the cars stop for me."  C'mon.
My new favorite is waiting for the WALK sign by standing IN the road.

Wouldn't the sidewalks be much easier if everyone treated them like tiny little roads?
Here in the U.S. we drive on the right side. So, Howsabout we try walking on the right side too.

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