Here are a couple of posts that I wasn't sure how to fit in with other things. So, Random Stuff it is.
First, here's my cheap solution to tall grass for miniatures.
I did manage to keep enough glue out of the groove so that it still slides open and closes. Sometimes it's the little things that keep you going. :)
First, here's my cheap solution to tall grass for miniatures.
Yep. That's a big Barbie head. I got it on a half off day at a nearby thrift store. So, it only cost me, like, 99¢. I tried dying some of the hair green but it didn't really work the way I wanted it to. I'm going to try some green ink and see what happens.
It works better than the kind you can buy in the package at a hobby shop because you can hold it with one hand and cut it with scissors in the other. The head and base keeps everything in position for you.
Look at my train tracks and you'll see the "grass" in use.
Next is an O scale train car that I picked up cheap because it was missing one of it's doors.
I dug into my box of plastic parts and found something workable, then added an edge to it so it would fit in the groove on the side. Lastly I had to glue a long piece of plastic to the bottom to keep it in place.
I may revisit this and add some extra pieces to give it some more "character". Actually, there's no "may" about it. I will. Cuz it bugs me now...
I did manage to keep enough glue out of the groove so that it still slides open and closes. Sometimes it's the little things that keep you going. :)
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