Thursday, April 14, 2011

A little sumpthin', sumpthin'

The girlfriend and I have rented an apartment to house both of our studio spaces. It also acts as storage and serves a few other purposes. I've been packing up my stuff for the move, which means I won't have much time over the next few weeks to post anything.

So, here's a shot of a home made and unfinished Tank, Boomer & Charger figure. Based on the Left 4 Dead video game franchise.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hulk SMASH!!! er... I mean... Ogre... SMASH!?!?!

Well, it seems I'm getting off track here.
My intent was to chronicle my way through creating a zombie apocalypse game and here I am posting Blood Bowl stuff.
Truth be told, I've been a gamer for most of my life, and by gamer I'm talking about the hobby of it. I enjoy the painting and general "world creating".
Taking existing figures and changing them into what I need, creating scenery out of everyday things, building buildings, etc.
So, I'll get to that in good time. For now, you'll (by you, I mean the hypothetical you, as no one is reading this yet) have to suffer through some other stuff first.

Namely, one of a kind Blood Bowl Ogres!

Here's how they start life. As a Heroclix Hulk figure.

I then get carving with the ol x-acto knife, add some plastic bits, some chain from an old necklace, sprinkle in a total repaint and Viola!

You have something no one else has rumbling down your pitch.
You'll be able to buy these, sometime soon, as I will be putting them up on ebay.

This guy sold on ebay for $5.00, I was hoping for a little more than that...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blood Bowl Helmets

Years ago, I purchased a bag of about 25 mini football helmets (the kind you used to be able to get in gum ball machine type dispensers, maybe you still can?). My intent was to convert them into BloodBowl helmets. The 2nd edition BB game had 18 teams listed in the rule book so I figured I had enough to goof a few times.

You can see the 18 teams here:
Under illustrations, then 2nd ed team colors.

I got as far as 17 of the 18. On the last one (The Chaos All stars) I hit a wall trying to figure out the bar on the front of the helmet. So, they sat. Collecting dust.

Recently, I've found myself with some time on my hands and I managed to finish the last helmet. I can't say that I am thoroughly happy with it but it's done.

So here they are in all their "one of a kind, home made" glory.

I should be posting them to ebay soon if anyone is interested. They are now in auction on ebay.
They have sold on ebay and I am now thinking about making another set.